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The opening ceremony of 2022 international students was held

来源:ok138太阳集团中国官方网站     发布时间:2022-10-29    作者:    点击次数:

On October 27, the opening ceremony of 2022 international students from Wuhan Textile University was held in the International Exchange Center of Sunshine Campus. More than 100 international students from 15 countries participated in the opening ceremony online and offline. Fu Xin, Vice President, relevant functional departments, principals of the Training Institute, some cadres in charge and all staff of the International Education Institute were present.

Vice President Fu Xin, on behalf of all the teaching staff of the school, extended a warm welcome and delivered a speech to the arrival of the 2022 international students in China. In his speech, he described a series of fruitful achievements in teaching, scientific research, service industry development and other fields of the school, demonstrating the spirit and quality of spinning adults to stand at the forefront of the times and climb the peak of science and technology; By introducing the international development of the school and actively integrating into the construction process of the national "the Belt and Road" initiative, it shows that the teachers and students at home and abroad of the University are resonating with the pulse of the world with an inclusive and open attitude. He said that this year is the first year of China's second centennial goal and the key year of the 14th Five Year Plan. He sent a message to the students who came to China to study hard, to look at the world, to have the world in mind, and to study with a broad vision; We should understand China, communicate with the world, be an international preacher of Chinese stories, and bring what we have seen and heard to the other side of the ocean. He hoped that students could visit more places in China, have a deeper understanding of the real China, become ambassadors of people to people and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and make due contributions to promoting people to people connectivity and inclusiveness and mutual learning among diverse civilizations in the world. Finally, he sincerely wishes all the overseas students and their families well!

Dr. Yang Zheng of the School of Management delivered a speech as a teacher representative. She hoped that the students would cherish the learning opportunities in Wuhan Textile University, know how to share and help each other, be brave to meet challenges, respect and appreciate different civilizations, and actively be ambassadors of civilization exchanges and mutual learning.

Minhus, a foreign teacher of the Institute of Fashion Sciences, spoke on behalf of international alumni. He said with emotion that the learning experience of the University many years ago has brought him many valuable life treasures. Today, as a teacher of the University, he hopes to repay his alma mater, serve more Chinese and foreign teachers and students, and contribute to the development and construction of the University.

Wenbo students from Morocco made a speech on behalf of the old students. He shared his feelings in fluent Chinese during the first year of studying in Textile University. His words showed his love for China and Wuhan, and expressed his warm concern for teachers and his gratitude for students' love and help. He encouraged everyone to strengthen Chinese learning while learning professional knowledge, communicate more with Chinese youth, and better understand Chinese culture.

Shakker from Bangladesh, speaking on behalf of the freshmen, said that he would like to thank the Chinese government for providing him with a full scholarship, hoping to learn more about China's advanced science and technology and innovative ideas in the textile field, and build his country better after returning home.

With the successful conclusion of the opening ceremony, the 2022 international students in China will embark on a new journey to spend their youth and pursue their dreams in Fangda. Finally, leaders, guests and students attending the ceremony took a group photo together in a warm and cheerful atmosphere.

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