[General Information]:
Ye Jiaxin,graduated from the School of Information Management of Central China Normal University with a doctor's degree. He is now a lecturer in the School of Management of Wuhan Textile University. "At present, he has published nearly 30 SSCI and CSSCI papers in the fields of information organization and retrieval, document metrics, and personalized recommendations."
[Email]: 526212876@qq.com
[Research areas]:
Information organization and retrieva
Document metrics
Personalized recommendations.
[Main academic achievements]:
1.Ye J, Xiong H, Guo J, Meng X. A group recommender system for books based on fine-grained classification of comments. (The Electronic Library) 2023, 41(2/3): 326-346. (SSCI)
2.Ye Jiaxin, Xiong Huixiang, Yi Ming, Liu Ming. A group recommender method for social network based on influence propagation. (Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information) 2022, 41(04): 364-374. (CSSCI)
3.Ye Jiaxin, Xiong Huixiang, Yang Zirong, Tong Zhaoli. A study on the impact of keyword frequency and semantic features on the clustering of scientific literature. (Information Science) 2021, 39(08): 156-163. (CSSCI)
4.Ye Jiaxin, Xiong Huixiang, Tong Zhaoli, Meng Qiuting. Research on doctor-oriented collaborative annotation in online medical community. (Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery) 2020, 4(06): 118-128. (CSSCI)
5.Ye Jiaxin, Xiong Huixiang, Jiang Wuxuan. A doctor recommendation algorithm integrating patient consultation text and decision mechanism. (Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery) 2020, 4(Z1): 153-164. (CSSCI)
6.Ye Jiaxin, Xiong Huixiang. Research on personalized recommendation of cross-domain resources based on tags. (Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery) 2019, 3(02): 21-32. (CSSCI)
7.Ye Jiaxin, Xiong Huixiang, Meng Xuan. Research on online book similarity calculation based on fine-grained comment mining. (Information Science) 2023, 41(01): 166-173. (CSSCI)
8.Xiong Huixiang, Ye Jiaxin, Ding Ling, Zeng Ting. Research on scholar evaluation based on improved h-index. (Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information) 2019, 38(10): 1022-1029. (CSSCI)
9.Xiong Huixiang, Ye Jiaxin. Construction of keyword hierarchical structure for scientific literature retrieval. (Information studies: Theory & Application) 2022, 45(09): 157-163+156. (CSSCI )
10.Xiong Huixiang, Ye Jiaxin, Jiang Wuxuan. Application of improved DBSCAN clustering algorithm in social annotation. (Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery) 2018, 2(12): 77-88. (CSSCI)
11.Xiong Huixiang, Ye Jiaxin. Research on Weibo tag generation based on LDA topic model. (Information Science) 2018, 36(10): 7-12. (CSSCI)