Shihua Li, Ph.D, Associate Professor
Email: shli@wtu.edu.cn
Current Employment
Associate Professor of Business Management, Wuhan Textile University (WTU), 2015-present
Educational Background
Visiting scholar, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA, 2017-2018
Ph.D, Business Management, Wuhan University of Technology, 2011-2014
Industrial Experience
Supply Chain Management, Cookson Electronics & Chemistry Group, 2004.
Current Research Areas
Intelligent Logistics, Supply chain financial risk model, Dynamic loan-to-value ratio decision, Logistics outsourcing risk control, Environmental logistics, Production and operation management.
Part of Publications
[1] Li Shihua, Zhang y.. Empirical Research on Cross-border Supply Chain Financial Early under the Background of "the Belt and Road"[J]. Foreign Economic and Trade Practice. 2024(01),105-110.
[2] Li Shihua, Zeng J., Zhang z.. Research on Innovation and Collaborative Supervision of International Supply Chain Financial Services under the Background of Global Value Chain Reconstruction [J]. Foreign Economic and Trade Practice. 2022(08),33-39.
[3] Li Shihua. Combined Innovation Model of Sci-tech Financial Instruments[C]. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Innovation and Management, ICIM2020(Wuhan, China), DEC 5-6, 2020, pp. 83-89.
[4] Li, Shihua; Pan, T.. Research on Risk Early Warning and Prevention Strategy of Online Supply Chain Finance Based on Internet Plus Initiative[C]. Proceedings-IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics 2019, SOLI 2019(Zhengzhou, China), Nov. 6-7, 2019, pp. 16-21. (EI)
[5] Li, Shihua; Yan, J.; Li, L.. Automated Guided Vehicle: The Direction of Intelligent Logistics[C]. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, SOLI 2018(Singapore), July 31- August 2, 2018, pp. 250-255 (EI)
[6] Li Shihua. Supply chain finance risk warning and prevention[M]. China Business Press, 2017,9.
[7] Li Shihua. Innovation Design of “Win-win” model of Supply Chain Finance Based on Bank-Enterprise Dynamic Game[C]. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Innovation and Management, ICIM2016(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), NOV 28-30, 2016, VOLS I&II, pp.919-922. (CPCI)
[8] Li Shihua. Supply chain financing platform construction based on dynamic game between banks and enterprises[J]. Finance and Accounting Monthly, 2015, 5, pp.102-105.
[9] Li Shihua, Zhan Q.. Research on Bank-enterprise Credit Game Base on Supply Chain Finance Innovation[C]. Proceedings of The Fourteenth International Symposium -Management & Engineering(Qingdao, China), July 18-21, 2014, pp. 63-67. (CPCI)
[10] Li Shihua, Song S.. Practical Teaching Mode Innovation of College Logistics Management Major Based on Professional Competition[C]. The Seventh International Symposium-Education Innovation(ISEI2014). (CPCI)
[11] Zhang Y.T., Li Shihua. Research on financial risks audit of supply chain [J]. Audit Digest, 2014, 1. pp.31-33.(Original published in Financial Supervision, 2013, 12)
[12] Li Shihua, Zhu M.. Research on the Differential Outsourcing Risks for Fresh Cold-chain Logistics[C]. Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management:Theory and Apply of Industrial Engineering, IEEM2013(Baotou, China), Dec.10-13, 2013, pp.827-840. (EI)
[13] Li Shihua. Research on Distribution Model Innovation of the Fresh Agricultural Products[C]. ICIM2013.(CPCI)
[14] Li Shihua. A Research on Pricing Strategy of E-commerce Logistics[C]. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, ICEE2010(Guangzhou, China), 7-9 May, 2010, pp. 5028-5030. (EI)
[15] Li Shihua, Zhu M.. Research on Environmental Logistics Management Base on Friendly Environment[C]. 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, WACE 2010(Wuhan, China), June 26-28, 2010, pp.2818-2821. (EI)
[16] Li Shihua. Research on the Strategy of ERP Implementation Based on BPR[C]. Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Business Management, EBM2010(Chengdu, China), March 25, 2010, pp. 5189-5192.(ISTP/ISSHP)
[17] Li Shihua. The motivation and risk management of logistics service outsourcing [J]. Transportation Enterprise Management. 2008(12). pp. 52-53.
[18] Li Shihua. Research on the transfer of rural surplus labor force in China based on the analysis of labor price [J]. Price Theory and Practice. 2008(12).pp. 24-25. (CSSCI)
[19] Li Shihua. Risk Management of Logistics Outsourcing. The 3rd International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management(ICOSCM2009). 2009(7).(CPCI)
Awards and Academic Position
Prominent Teacher of Wuhan Textile University (2022, 2021, 2018, 2010)
Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Wuhan University of Technology (2015)
Member of China Logistics Association (2009)
Course Information
Logistics System Solution Design and Optimization, Logistics Operation Management, International Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Supply Management, etc.